First time I know about network marketing business is two years ago, in March 2006. I was joined with one of the biggest Multi Level Marketing in Indonesia by that time. The products is ok, the system is ok. They mention that there are no need to have selling target each month, but still I must buy at least two type of their products every month beside recruiting new customer if I want to step to next level, while my commision was not even close enough to buy their products again and again each month. I think that I can’t do that anymore so I quit eigth month later. But I wasn’t giving up. I learn from it. Those peoples in MLM industry has spirits of enterpreneurship and leadership. Always focus on target. Not easy to give up. I try to take that lesson.
In early 2008, my old friend come to me and introduce me with another MLM Company. But, they do not want to call their system as MLM just because they doesn’t have stockists as other MLM companies does. I join them, because I saw the products is more varies then the other one. At first time, I think that their system is more simple. But, when I read once more and carefully this time, I found that it is not as simple as it look. Imagine, to achieve certain position, we have to accomplish with a spesific qualification that we must achieve at certain times, like we need to reach it six times and three times of them must be in a row, in one year business periode. Reading that statement, to me it is equal to reach certain point or selling target in one year. If I only reach one or two times of the qualification, or maybe I have reach for six times, but there are never in a row for three months or just two months of those six times in that one year periode then I am not qualified to go to next level. And after that one year periode, then my status will be reset, so I need to start it once again. Don’t I? or let’s say that I can reach the qualification but can I duplicate it to my groups? Because Network is about duplicating. Not everybody has the same ability, although we are bless with the same opportunity. So I decide not to continuing it, and never again went to their seminars. But, still I believe that Networking is a great way to success…
So I never stop searching and learning more and more about networking. Soon I know from internet that Networking is not only about MLM. What I learn next is that to me Network Marketing can be devide into six categories. They are Member Get Member (including Affiliates Marketing), Multi Level Marketing, Viral Marketing, Piramide Schemes, Money Games, and Combination of Affiliate – MLM. For me, all have their positive (good) and negative (bad) sides.
And today, I have sign up with one that I think is really fit with me, at least until now… I hope this is my way to success… And this time is not MLM, but still a Network Marketing Industry.
Next times I will share about each of those categories, as far as I understand about them.
God Speed…
Surat Rasmi Mohon Cuti Untuk Temuduga
1 year ago